Acupuncture and Esoteric Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a method of connecting with our energetic and original essence. Like tapping into a flowing river and drinking the pure ambrosia, acupuncture allows us to gain greater consciousness, and a more dynamic equilibrium of our own energy. As the Chinese medical saying goes, where qi (or energy) flows, blood goes. The body is very capable of healing when allowed to do so. Acupuncture allows the body to repair, relax, and rejuvenate; this is the basis for reversing dis-ease. 

Acupuncture is part of one of the oldest medical systems on the planet. Many countries utilize acupuncture (China, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Uganda, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Cyprus, Israel, Denmark, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia). It is adaptive to different cultures, and has few side effects.

Many conditions can be treated with acupuncture. It is helpful to believe that healing will occur through acupuncture (or through any other healing modality used), but belief is not required for it to work. It is, however, more beneficial if you are hydrated when you receive it, as dehydration will impair the flow of energy, and subsequently, blood. The effects of acupuncture are rooted in provoking the body’s ability to heal itself (aka, engage its intrinsic intelligence). The National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) approve its use for many conditions.

Some of the effects of acupuncture are to: increase pain threshold, increase blood circulation, increase white blood cell activity (thereby improving immunity), decrease cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and regulate blood sugar.

Some of the conditions that benefit from acupuncture are: emotional stress (including anxiety and depression), insomnia, low back pain, sexual dysfunction, headache, common colds, endocrine conditions, asthma, constipation, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke rehabilitation, sports injuries, whiplash, allergies, memory problems, addictions, Bell’s palsy, and obesity.

Acupuncture is ideal as a way to both recover from dis-ease and to maintain health. Once the physical body is functioning more optimally, acupuncture can serve as a tool on the path to greater enlightenment.

What is Esoteric Acupuncture?

This form of acupuncture was developed by an incredible practitioner and researcher of both esoteric sciences and health sciences. Mikio Sankey, N.D., L.Ac., Ph.D. is both a naturopath and acupuncturist, who got his Ph.D. in Health Sciences. He has written a number of books, primarily on using acupuncture to evolve consciousness utilizing treatments that look at sacred geometry and the deeper meaning of the acupuncture points. He also looks at the value of nutrition and lifestyle in cultivating higher states of consciousness. Not only is he an innovative genius, he also has a beautiful heart, full of compassion. The opportunity to study with him has been a deep gift. While I deeply value all of the different forms of acupuncture I have studied, once having learned this form, it is nearly impossible not to incorporate these principles into an acupuncture treatment. For more information on Esoteric Acupuncture, please see his website:

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